1、“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rareand beautiful of them all。”逆境中盛开的花最珍贵,也最美丽。-《花木兰》
2、“The fears that once controlled me can't get to meat all.”曾经困扰着我的恐惧,如今再也不能让我却步。-《冰雪奇缘》
3、“The people you love will change youthe thing you've learned will guide you"你所爱的将会改变你,你所学到的东西将会指引你。--《海洋奇缘》
4、“The more we try to understand one anotherthe more exceptional each of us will be.”我们试着了解对方越多,我们每个人就会变得更加与众不同”-《疯狂动物城》
5、“Rememberyou've the one who can fill the world with flowers”记住,你就是那个能让世界充满阳光的人。-《白雪公主与七个小矮人》
6、“It's no use going back to yesterdaybecausel was a differentpersonthen”回到昨天没有任何意义,因为那时的我跟现在不同。--《爱丽丝梦游仙境》
7、“Ohana means family.Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten”欧哈纳的意思是一家人。一家人就意味着,不会有人被抛弃或者被遗忘。 --《星际宝贝》
8、“There's magic in the air tonight, and anything can happen。”今夜星空,魔幻弥漫,万事万物,皆有可能。-蒂安娜《公主与青蛙》
9、“Together there's no end to what our dreams canstart.”只要我们在一起,梦想就有无限的可能。-宝嘉康蒂《风中奇缘》
10、“Then let me take the first step”-那就由我来迈出第一步。-拉雅《寻龙传说》
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